Florida Probe
Dr. Vaughan now offers his patients new diagnostic technology for the early detection of gum disease. With this technology Dr. Vaughan is able to detect and treat gum disease earlier helping his patients avoid the disease that is the number one reason for tooth loss in America.
The new technology is called The Florida Probe. It is a computerized probing system developed at the University of Florida Periodontal Research Center to assist dentistry in the early detection of gum disease. Using an automated hand piece, The Florida Probe system enables the examiner to measure a patients' gum attachment gain or loss with the precision unavailable until now. The system collets the information necessary for a thorough gum disease diagnosis, including comparisons to previous visits. The Florida Probe System provides graphical printouts of all data. With graphical chart in hand, the patient can see where his or her problem areas are located. This not only allows the patient to better participate in the therapy, but makes it more likely that the patient will participate.